Scan, Audit, and Secure your Network.

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View Infiltrator's Features

How can Infiltrator Benefit You?

Infiltrator is a FREE easy to use, intuitive network security scanner that can quickly scan and audit your network computers for vulnerabilities, exploits, and information enumerations.

Key Features

Information Gathering
Infiltrator can enumerate users, file shares, drives, open ports, registry keys, installed software and hotfixes, snmp and Netbios tables, Password Polices, and much more from each computer scanned.

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Powerful Information Enumerations

Security Auditing and Analysis
Infiltrator can audit each scanned computer for improper registry settings, suspicious open ports, vulnerable services, scripting exploits, weak password policies, and improper user configurations.

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Security and Policy Auditing

Generate Sleek Scan Reports
Infiltrator can generate brief or complete reports (customizable) detailing the results of all scans - helping you get an overview of your network's security as well as individual computer security levels.

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Sleek and Customizable Reports

Many Useful Network Utilities
Infiltrator comes with many built in network utilities - from whois lookups and ping sweeps, to brute force cracking tools and email tracing - that help you manage your network and security with greater ease.

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18 Network Security Utilities

Download Infiltrator today to scan, audit, and protect your network immediately!


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